Demand for delivery of Travis Scott’s Limited edition melted Utopia vinyl

Destinataire(s) : Travis Scott
Demand for delivery of Travis Scott’s Limited edition melted Utopia vinyl

We, the undersigned, are writing to express our deep frustration and disappointment with the failure to deliver the limited edition vinyl records of Travis Scott's latest album, "Utopia," which we ordered several months ago.

When we made our purchases, we were promised that the vinyl records would be shipped no later than November 2023. However, as of late June 2024, we have yet to receive our orders, nor have we received any meaningful updates from your store regarding the status of our shipments.

This delay is unacceptable, and it reflects poorly on the brand's commitment to its loyal customers. We trusted your brand to deliver a product that many of us were excited to receive and add to our collections. The lack of communication and transparency has only exacerbated our frustration.

We demand the following actions be taken immediately:

1. An official update on the status of our orders and an explanation for the delays.

2. A definitive timeline for when we can expect to receive our vinyl records.

3. Compensation for the prolonged delay, such as a discount on future purchases or additional merchandise.

We hope that you will address this issue with the urgency and seriousness it deserves. Failure to do so will result in further loss of trust and potential legal action by those affected.

Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter.

Auteur : Leleux

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